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Spotlight on your walls

Our Halo Majestic Interiors range for a satin-like sheen that exudes grandness.

Elevate Your Spaces with JSW Paints' Halo Majestic Interiors Emulsion Paints

Halo Majestic Interiors LuxGlo

9 Years Endurance*
Anti Stain
Crack Bridging
Excellent Washability

Halo Majestic Interiors Matt

9 Years Endurance*
Anti Stain
Crack Bridging
Excellent Washability

Halo Majestic Interiors - Silk

9 Years Endurance*
Anti Fungal
Excellent Smooth Finish
Germ Block

Halo Majestic Interiors Shine

9 Years Endurance*
Anti Fungal
Elegant Sheen
Germ Block
*Endurance means paint film remaining intact for the stated period, under the outlined exposure conditions, when applied on prepared surface as prescribed and paint system is applied as specified in PIS.
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