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A Little Girl and Her Mother Painting Wall and Smiling at Each Other

Think Beautiful: Transform
Your Spaces with JSW Paints

Think Beautiful
Sundar Bharat Initiative

Sundar Bharat is an initiative by JSW Paints for every Indian Olympic athlete.

Every Indian athlete of any sporting discipline who has represented India at the Olympic games since 1947 will be offered free painting of their homes by JSW Paints. We are offering the Indian Olympic Athletes its entire portfolio of 1808 water-based colours under this initiative.

We have kept the pledge mechanism hassle-free. In order to avail this offer, an eligible athlete must call the JSW Paints customer care number 1800-121-5797. A JSW Paints Buddy will then get in touch with them to fulfil this unique promise.

JSW Paints @Neeraj Chopra's house

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JSW Paints @Niranjan Mukundan's house

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Futurescapes Painting Competition is an opportunity for young aspiring artists to showcase their talents on canvas.

It is conducted annually across schools in India offline and online. Top 3 winners are selected in each of the categories from Class 3 to Class 12.

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