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Aurus Floor Coat

The first step towards durability

Aurus Regal Exterior Floor Coat is a specially designed emulsion for paver blocks and cement surfaces, providing high abrasion resistance to withstand light vehicles and human foot traffic. Additionally, its strong anti-algal property provides excellent protection to help maintain long-lasting beauty of cement surfaces.


Endures 2 years*
High Sheen
UV Resist
Wear Resist
*Endurance means paint film remaining intact for the stated period, under the outlined exposure conditions, when applied on prepared surface as prescribed and paint system is applied as specified in PIS.


  • Compliant to VOC requirement for Paints for LEED ratedbbuildings¹
  • UV test results as per inhouse testing on QUV machine


1 Compliant to LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) VOC criteria as per IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) as tested at National Test House, Mumbai.

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